Montag, 30. Mai 2011

Clockwork Prince

Und erneute Spoiler von meiner Lieblings Autorin Cassandra Clare. Diesmal aus der "Infernal Devices" Serie. Der erste Band hieß "Clockwork Angel" (echt genial<3) und nun sind wir schon beim 2 Band "Clockwork Prince". Sie hat die Kapitel Übersicht von dem Buch gepostet und... OMG, ich.will.dieses.buch!! JETZT!  ja es geht mir gut *lach* So und weil ich schon die ganze Zeit Spoiler hier sind sie:

Prologue: The Outcast Dead
Will visits the Cross Bones Graveyard in London.

Chapter One: The Council Chamber
Pretty literal — the Council meets to discuss whether Charlotte is fit to run the Institute; we see a bit more of the Lightwoods, not to mention the Waylands and some other familiar families.

Chapter Two: Reparations
“Mr. Bane has been awaiting your arrival, sir,” said the footman, and stepped aside to let Will enter.

Chapter Three: Unjustifiable Death
The term, under the Accords, for a Shadowhunter killing a Downworlder without provocation.
“This was the first time she had been alone with Will in weeks.”

Chapter Four: A Journey
Tessa, Will and Jem leave the Institute and in fact, London entirely.
“Gabriel Lightwood strode across the room to meet them. He really was quite tall, Tessa thought, craning her neck to look up at him. As a tall girl herself, she didn’t often find herself bending her head back to look up at men.”

Chapter Five: Shades of the Past
This one is a pun that will probably only make sense upon actual reading. Althpugh one of the themes of the book is how the past affects the present.

Chapter Six: In Silence Sealed
Again the theme is hidden secrets. The title comes from a Charlotte Bronte poem. “In secret kept, in silence sealed.” Tessa begins to uncover the secrets of her own origins.

Chapter Seven: I had to redact the title of this chapter. It’s a spoiler.
“When Will truly wants something,” said Jem, quietly, “when he feels something — he can break your heart.”

Chapter Eight: The Purposes of Wrath
The title here comes from Thomas de Quncey’s (yes de Quincey!) Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. The paragraph is about addiction, and both the pleasures and the pains of opium, and the chapter is not dissimilar. Also, we meet Ragnor Fell.

Chapter Nine: Fierce Midnight
This chapter ends the night begun in the previous chapter. And has some pretty hot kissing. Titled after a Swinburne poem.

Chapter Ten: The Virtue of Angels
The virtue of angels is that they cannot deteriorate; their flaw is that they cannot improve. Man’s flaw is that he can deteriorate; and his virtue is that he can improve. —The Talmud
Someone rather unexpected hits Gabriel — who, really, was asking for it.

Chapter Eleven: Wild Unrest

This chapter title comes from the poem “City of Dreadful Night” by James Thompson. It’s really about taking on the suffering of someone you love. Will wanders about London at night. “He had reached Fleet Street. Temple Bar was visible through the mist in the distance” — Temple Bar is the structure Jem is standing in front of, on the cover of the book.

Chapter Twelve: The Ball
This is somewhat self-explanatory. There is a masquerade ball. And a balcony. And Magnus.

Chapter Thirteen: The Mortal Sword
We finally see the Mortal Sword put to its actual use: extracting the truth from reluctant Shadowhunters. And it is not pretty.

Chapter Fourteen: The Silent City
“Ah,” said a voice from the doorway, “having your annual ‘everyone thinks Will is a lunatic’ meeting, are you?”
 “Ah,” said a voice from the doorway, “having your annual ‘everyone thinks Will is a lunatic’ meeting, are you?”

Chapter Fifteen: Thousands More

From a poem by Charlotte Mew: There are thousands more; you do not miss a rose.
“Will has always been the brighter burning star, the one to catch attention — but Jem is a steady flame, unwavering and honest. He could make you happy.”

Chapter Sixteen: Mortal Rage
In which there are automatons and vengeance and explosions. The title comes from Shakespeare: “And brass eternal slave to mortal rage.”

Chapter Seventeen: In Dreams
There is the famous “in dreams begin responsibilities” but this title is actually from a poem by Matthew Arnold. The chapter from which this deleted scene was taken.

Chapter Eighteen: Until I Die
This chapter title has really freaked people out. So I will be nice and say that it is from a poem by Christopher Brennan (no relation to Sarah Rees):
Then seek not, sweet, the “If” and “Why”
I love you now until I die.

Chapter Nineteen: If Treason Doth Prosper
Betrayals and misunderstandings come thick and fast. And Magnus may have a new boyfriend. The title is from a poem attributed to Sir John Harrington:
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”

Chapter Twenty: The Last Dream
This is the chapter that made me cry! I rarely cry so I felt good about that. The chapter title comes from A Tale of Two Cities.

Chapter Twenty-One: Coals of Fire
I guess if you’re paying a lot of attention you’ll recognize this as part of something Jace quotes in City of Fallen Angels. Endings, beginnings, new characters, and, I promise, not too bad of a cliffhanger.

Einer meiner Lieblings Kapitel waren ja :
"“Will has always been the brighter burning star, the one to catch attention — but Jem is a steady flame, unwavering and honest. He could make you happy.”"
Ich Liebe beide Charaktere so sehr. Will ist dieser typische Rebell und "Bad-Boy" und Jem... Jem ist einfach Jem und einfach....*sfz* Jem eben *lach* ich könnt mich an Tessas Stelle auch nicht wirklich entscheiden.

Und das zweite war ja dies hier:
"This is the chapter that made me cry! I rarely cry so I felt good about that. The chapter title comes from A Tale of Two Cities."
Omg, was erwatet uns da bitte? Ich will es gar nicht wissen, ich bin so nah am Wassergebaut, da werd' ich sicher auch heulen, wenn die Autorin schon weint... Wer wohl sterben wird?

~ Soul ~ 

Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011

Twillight meets Supernatural

Ich bin brav am lernen am Supernatural  schauen und die 6 Staffel ist bis jetzt einfach der Hammer. Ich bin gerade bei Folge und ich krieg mich einfach nicht mehr ein vor Lachen. Haben die ernsthaft eine Twillight gemacht in der Folge. Nur heißen sie nicht "Bella" und "Edward" sondern "Kristen" und "Robert" (Welch Ironie das die Schauspieler von Edward und Bella auch so heißen) Wie dem auch sei, diese Folge muss man sich einfach anschauen(Selbst wenn man ein Twillight fan ist, was ich durchaus auch mal war, aber schon etwas länger her... Die Filme haben auch nicht gerade viel dazu beigetragen, dass ich ein Fan davon bleibe, immerhin sollte doch Edward der heißeste Vamp aller Zeiten sein laut Buch und wen suchen sich die Produzenten aus? Robert Pattison...(Schreibt man den überhaupt so oO keinen Schimmer) Soviel dazu, der einzige der Attraktiv ist ist Jacob in meinen Augen)

Hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt von der "Verarsche"

~ Soul ~

Samstag, 28. Mai 2011

Supernatural Season 5

Ich weiß ja nicht ob das irgendwer schon gesehen hat, weil es ja noch keine deutsche Übersetzung davon gibt, aber vielleicht ist ja jemand auch so ein großer Fan wie ich und konnte es einfach nicht aushalten, bis die deutsche Synchronisation draußen ist.

Und gestern bin ich dann endlich fertig gewesen mit ihr, aber sie war SO grandios, unbeschreiblich einfach (bist jetzt die beste Staffel in meinen Augen) Man hat endlich mal so einen richtig tiefgründigen Eindruck in die Gefühlswelt der Charaktere werfen können. Dean hat mir stellenweise so Leid getan (Vor allem in den letzten paar Folgen) und Sam hat's auch nicht wirklich leicht gehabt. Cas ist mir auch extrem ans Herz gewachsen, und zum Glück ist er wieder zurückgekommen nachdem Michael ihn "umgebracht" hat.
Na den hab ich ja nicht abhaben können, obwohl sein erster Auftritt im Körper von Dean's und Sam's Vater gemischte Gefühle bei mir vorgerufen haben, also gute wie auch schlechte aber in den letzten 2 Folgen haben sie sich nur noch in schlechte verwandelt.
Und dann Gott... Ich versteh ihn nicht. Erst ist es ihm angeblich scheiß egal was auf der Welt passiert (laut Joshua der ja mit ihm redet), aber am Ende rettet er doch irgendwie jeden, also kann ihm das alles gar nicht so am Arsch vorbei gehen.
Und Lucifer, ich hab bis zum Ende irgendwie still und heimlich gehofft, dass er so "gut" ist wie er die ganze Zeit vorgibt zu sein und nicht der gefallene, verzogene Engel wie die anderen ihn immer darstellten, doch meine Hoffnungen haben sich in der letzte Folge endgültig in Rauch aufgelöst, obwohl ich so manche Handlungen von ihm immer noch nicht verstanden habe. Na ja vielleicht kommt ja in der 6 Staffel die Erklärung dazu.
Und Anna... Ich hab sie eigentlich immer gemocht, aber, dass sie Sam umbringen wollte, also damit hätte ich ja nun gar nicht gerechnet, ich dachte immer die wäre auf der Seite von ihnen, aber so kann man sich eben doch täuschen.
Und die Finale Episode... Das Ende war so traurig... Aber zum Glück sind Bobby und Cas ja zurück gekehrt und Dean ist trotzdem nicht so alleine wie ich erst dachte. Außerdem ist er ja zu Lisa und ihrem Sohn (mir fällt der Name von ihm grad nicht mehr ein ><) zurück gekehrt und hat dort ein "normales" Leben mit einem Job und allem.

~ Soul ~

Hier noch ein kleiner Trailer zur 5 Staffel und viel Spaß dabei wenn's sich jetzt auch wer anschaut, ich bin schon an der 6 dran, was leider auch die letzte Staffel sein wird höchstwahrscheinlich

Freitag, 27. Mai 2011

Number Three -Alec Preview

Ja Leute die Geschichte lebt noch, ich hatte nur die letzten 2 Wochen sowas von keine Zeit auch nur EINEN Satz daran zu schreiben (ich hab sie eigentlich immer noch nicht, aber bevor mich meine Muse wieder verlässt schreib ich lieber) Wie dem auch sei, ich denke ich werde das Kapitel heute noch fertig scheiben (es ist ja schon zu 3/4 fertig) dann wird es hoffentlich morgen gleich Beta-gelesen und am Sonntag ist es dann endlich on.

Bis dahin hier mal ein kleiner Ausschnitt: (das kursiv geschrieben ist eine Rückblende von Alec)

"»Komm, wir gehen zu Lyana. « meinte Aaron und versuchte gegen den Strom anzukommen.
Alec nickte nur. Er folgte seinem Freund und nach etlichen Minuten des Gedrängels schafften sie es endlich hinter die Bühne zu kommen. Dort herrschte ein fast genauso schlimmes Chaos wie vorne, doch Lyana entdecke die zwei gleich.
»Hey, Jungs! Hierher! « und hob ihre linke Hand in die Luft um Alec und Aaron auf sich aufmerksam zu machen.Sie hatte immer noch ihr scharlachrotes Kleid an, welches sie beim Finale anhatte und ihr ganzes Gesicht strahlte als sich die zwei ihr näherten. Alec lächelte ebenfalls als sie bei ihr ankamen, zog sie an sich und küsste sie innig.
»Du warst großartig. « fügte er nah an ihren Lippen hinzu, als er sich von ihr löste.
»Wie immer. « fügte Aaron grinsend hinzu.
Sie lächelte ein wenig wegen der Bemerkung und eine sanfte Röte schoss ihr ins  Gesicht.

Alec öffnete seine Augen wieder und ein leiser, wehmütiger Seufzer entwich seinen Lippen.
»Lyana « hauchte er in den Wind und blickte über die See ins Endlose hinaus.
Der Wind zerrte immer noch an ihm und dunkle Wolken waren am Himmel aufgetaucht. Er blickte hinauf und verzog den Mund.
»Regen, super… « murmelte er leise als die ersten Tropfen sein Gesicht benetzten.
Alec ließ seinen Blick noch einmal über die See schweifen, die nun aufgewühlt war, riesige Wellen schlug und mehr bedrohlich als beschützend und behutsam  wirkte." 

~ Soul ~

Ich finde das Lied äußerst passend zu Lyana's und Alec's momentane Situation und allgemein vergöttere ich diesen Sänger 

Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2011

House Of night - Tempted

Ich habe es endlich durchgelesen~ (okay ich habe gerade mal 3 Tage gebraucht dafür*lach*) Aber es war echt gut. Die Serie wird immer besser (ja mir hat sie gaaaanz am Anfang eigentlich gar nicht so gut gefallen) aber ich mag die Charaktere immer mehr. Am liebsten war mir ja in diesem Band Stark (okay ich hab ihn schon im letzten total gemocht). Hach hach ich find' das so süß wenn er und Zoey zusammen sind. Und das er ihr Krieger geworden ist und sie so extrem beschützen möchte, einfach niedlich.
Und dann Darius, Krieger von Aphrodite nun, ich mag ihn auch, er hat so einen liebenswürdigen Charakter, dass man ihn einfach nicht nicht mögen kann (sogar Aphrodite fang' ihn an zu mögen wenn er in ihrer Nähe ist)
Und dann Erik.... Wieso ist der bitte so ein riesen Arsch geworden, kann mir das mal wer sagen? Der war doch am Anfang so ein sweeter Typ und einer meiner Lieblinge und was ist momentan? Ich kann ihn nicht ausstehen so ein eingebildeter, hochnäsiger Arsch ist der geworden (Er kommt mir vor wie ein zweiter Sasuke (aus Naruto falls das wer kennt) der ist ja dort auch das obermega Arschloch geworden (okay er war von Anfang an nicht grad der nette Typ von nebenan aber trotzdem hab ich ihn gemocht eigentlich))
Und dann Kalona.... Ich weiß nicht so genau was  ich von ihm halten soll. Einerseits tut er mir total leid und auf der anderen Seite find' ich ihn einfach nur schrecklich. Er hat Heath umgebracht, was total schrecklich ist (obwohl die Szene so schnell vorüber war, dass man irgendwie gar nicht richtig schockiert sein konnte, oder kommt das nur mir so rüber?) Aber wie er dann so fertig war was mit Zoey passiert ist, ist das wirklich alles nur geschauspielert? Na ja da bin ich mir ja nicht mehr ganz so sicher.
Und dann noch Neferet... Die ist ja jetzt ganz abgedreht... Und unsterblich? Hallo?! WER kommt auf so eine bescheuerte Idee, bitte? Aber gut, dann ist sie das nun mal bin ja gespannt wie Zoey das wieder ins Lot bringt.
Und überhaupt... Wie soll Zoey wieder zurückkommen aus dieser... Totenwelt...? Vielleicht wird Kalona ihr doch helfen? Immerhin ist er auch dort hingegangen (auch wenn Neferet ihn sozusagen dazu gezwungen hat) wer weiß, ich hab ihn noch nicht ganz abgeschrieben, irgendwie mag ich ihn sogar... das ist bescheuert oder?*lach*
Und dann haben wir da noch Stevie Rae, die hat ja auch  genug Probleme und dann auch noch diesen Rabbenspötter Rephaim, er ist mir ja eigentlich auch ganz sympatisch... Wieso mag ich eigentlich die "bösen" so?  Ich hoff doch, dass er Stevie Rae helfen kann, die Sache mit Zoey wieder ins Lot zu bringen.
So, das war's erstmal, denke ich (ist sowieso lang genug geworden *lach*)

~ Soul ~

P.S.: Ich mag das Lied, und irgendwie fand ich es recht passend für das Buch 

Freitag, 13. Mai 2011

Vampire Diaries - As I Lay Dying

Hat irgendjemand heute Nacht um 2 das Staffelfinale von Vampire Diaires gesehen? Ich hab sie gesehen~ leider nicht Livestream, da mir das auf den Nerv ging alle 30 Sekunden nur Standbild zu haben oder nur Ton >< (wir haben uns alle so aufgeregt, das war so ein Mist>>) NIE wieder Livestream echt.... das raubt dir noch mehr die Nerven als die Folge an sich. Dafür habe ich es mir dann um 3:15  angeschaut und ich muss sagen.... DRAMA PUR... wenn ich nicht so verdammt müde gewesen wäre, hätte ich mir glaube ich die Augen ausgeheult.... so aber war ich nur x-mal kurz davor.
Damon hat mir so Leid getan... ihn so leiden zu sehen... SCHRECKLICH.... aber er hat so süße dumme Sachen gesagt  und der Kuss von Elena~ *____* DARAUF haben wir Delena-fans nur gewartet~
Und Jeremy... ich war geschockt als er umgebracht wurde(Ich hab Liz noch nie wirklich gemocht>> damit war sie dann unten durch....), aber zum Glück ist er ja wieder zurück gekommen (Kommentar einer Freundin: "Die haben was gegen Namen mit J... erst Jenna, dann John und jetzt auch noch Jeremy oder was? Daraufhin ich nur: Die machen Massensterben... die wollen ihre Schauspieler los werden XD) und das am Ende wo er Anna und Vicky gesehen hat... Ob er wohl Geister sieht? Ich bin ja gespannt auf die Erklärung.
Und Stephan... Hätte ernsthaft irgendwer mit son etwas gerechnet? Ich nicht.... Und ich muss sagen, ich bin kein riesiger Stephan-fan aber was er da für Damon gemacht hat ist schon niedlich... Und ab jetzt heißt es bis September warten, bis die 3 Staffel erscheint...

Bis dahin hier ein paar Szenen aus der 22 Folge

~ Soul ~

P.S.: ich Liebe diese Szene wo Damon sagt: "You would have liked me" Elena: "I like you now, just the way you are " ich habe SO gequietscht dabei das war ein Wahnsinn ><

Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011

City Of Ashes

So ich muss hier mal ein bisschen Spoilern. Ich fand diese Szene einfach sooo niedlich, vor allem da Alec so schüchtern rüber kommt am Anfang (Was er eigentlich gar nicht ist, wenn man ihn besser kennt) und am Ende erst *lach* und Magnus, hah~, ich mag ihn einfach xD Er ist einer der besten Charas (natürlich nach  Jace*lach*) So genug geredet, lest selber ^_^

P.S.: Es ist die Szene wo Alec und Magnus sich zum ersten Mal küssen

"Standing in the stairwell of Magnus’ home, Alec stared at the name written under the buzzer on the wall. BANE. The name didn’t really seem to suit Magnus, he thought, not now that he knew him. If you could really be said to know someone when you’d attended one of their parties, once, and then they’d saved your life later but hadn’t really hung around to be thanked. But the name Magnus Bane made him think of a towering sort of figure, with huge shoulders and formal purple warlock’s robes, calling down fire and lightning. Not Magnus himself, who was more of a cross between a panther and a demented elf.

Alec took a deep breath and let it out. Well, he’d come this far; he might as well go on. The bare lightbulb hanging overhead cast sweeping shadows as he reached forward and pressed the buzzer.

A moment later a voice echoed through the stairwell. “WHO CALLS UPON THE HIGH WARLOCK?”

“Er,” Alec said. “It’s me. I mean, Alec. Alec Lightwood.”

There was a sort of silence, as if even the hallway itself were surprised. Then a ping, and the second door opened, letting him out onto the stairwell. He headed up the rickety stairs into the darkness, which smelled like pizza and dust. The second floor landing was bright, the door at the far end open. Magnus Bane was leaning in the entryway.

Compared to the first time Alec has seen him, he looked fairly normal. His black hair still stood up in spikes, and he looked sleepy; his face, even with its cat’s eyes, very young. He wore a black t-shirt with the words ONE MILLION DOLLARS picked out across the chest in sequins, and jeans that hung low on his hips, low enough that Alec looked away, down at his own shoes. Which were boring.

“Alexander Lightwood,” said Magnus. He had just the faintest trace of an accent, something Alec couldn’t put his finger on, a lilt to his vowels. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Alec looked past Magnus. “Do you have — company?”

Magnus crossed his arms, which did good things for his biceps, and leaned against the side of the door. “Why do you want to know?”

“I was hoping I could come in and talk to you.”

“Hmmm.” Magnus’ eyes raked him up and down. They really did shine in the dark, like a cat’s. “Well, all right then.” He turned abruptly away and disappeared into the apartment; after a startled moment, Alec followed.

The loft looked different without a hundred churning bodies in it. It was — well, not ordinary, but the sort of space someone might live in. Like most lofts, it had a big central room split into “rooms” by groupings of furniture. There was a square collection of sofas and tables off to the right, which Magnus gestured Alec toward. Alec sat down on a gold velvet sofa with elegant wooden curlicues on the arms.

“Would you like some tea?” Magnus asked. He wasn’t sitting in a chair, but had sprawled himself on a tufted ottoman, his long legs stretched out in front of him.

Alec nodded. He felt incapable of saying anything. Anything interesting or intelligent, that was. It was always Jace who said the interesting, intelligent things. He was Jace’s parabatai and that was all the glory he needed or wanted: like being the dark star to someone else’s supernova. But this was somewhere Jace couldn’t go with him, something Jace couldn’t help him with. “Sure.”

His right hand felt suddenly hot. He looked down, and realized he was holding a waxed paper cup from Joe, the Art of Coffee. It smelled like chai. He jumped, and only barely escaped spilling on himself. “By the Angel —”

“I LOVE that expression,” said Magnus. “It’s so quaint.”

Alec stared at him. “Did you steal this tea?”

Magnus ignored the question. “So,” he said. “Why are you here?”

Alec took a gulp of the stolen tea. “I wanted to thank you,” he said, when he came up for air. “For saving my life.”

Magnus leaned back on his hands. His t-shirt rode up over his flat stomach, and this time Alec had nowhere else to look. “You wanted to thank me.”

“You saved my life,” Alec said, again. “But I was delirious, and I don’t think I really thanked you. I know you didn’t have to do it. So thank you.”

Magnus’ eyebrows had disappeared up into his hairline. “You’re . . .welcome?”

Alec set his tea down. “Maybe I should go.”

Magnus sat up. “After you came so far? All the way to Brooklyn? Just to thank me?” He was grinning. “Now that would be a wasted effort.” He reached out and put his hand to Alec’s cheek, his thumb brushing along the cheekbone. His touch felt like fire, training tendrils of sparks in its wake. Alec sat frozen in surprise — surprise at the gesture, and surprise at the effect it was having on him. Magnus’ eyes narrowed, and he dropped his hand. “Huh,” he said to himself.

“What?” Alec was suddenly very worried that he’d done something wrong. “What is it?”

“You’re just . . .” A shadow moved behind Magnus; with fluid agility, the warlock twisted around and picked up a small gray and white tabby cat from the floor. The cat curled into the crook of his arm and looked at Alec with suspicion. Now two pairs of gold-green eyes were trained on him darkly. “Not what I expected.”

“From a Shadowhunter?”

“From a Lightwood.”

“I didn’t realize you knew my family that well.”

“I’ve known your family for hundreds of years.” Magnus’ eyes searched his face. “Now your sister, she’s a Lightwood. You—’

“She said you liked me.”


“Izzy. My sister. She told me you liked me. Liked me, liked me.”

Liked you, liked you?” Magnus buried his grin in the cat’s fur. “Sorry. Are we twelve now? I don’t recall saying anything to Isabelle . . .”

“Jace said it too.” Alec was blunt; it was the only way he knew how to be. “That you liked me. That when he buzzed up here, you thought he was me and you were disappointed that it was him. That never happens.”

“Doesn’t it? Well, it should.”

Alec was startled. “No — I mean Jace, he’s . . . Jace.”

“He’s trouble,” said Magnus. “But you are totally without guile. Which in a Lightwood, is a conundrum. You’ve always been a plotting sort of family, like low-rent Borgias. But there isn’t a lie in your face. I get the feeling everything you say is straightforward.”

Alec leaned forward. “Do you want to go out with me?”

Magnus blinked. “See, that’s what I mean. Straightforward.”

Alec chewed his lip and said nothing.

“Why do you want to go out with me?” Magnus inquired. He was rubbing Chairman Meow’s head, his long fingers folding the cat’s ears down. “Not that I’m not highly desirable, but the way you asked, it seemed as if you were having some sort of fit —”

“I just do,” Alec said. “And I thought you liked me, so you’d say yes, and I could try — I mean, we could try —” He put his face in his hands. “Maybe this was a mistake.”

Magnus’ voice was gentle. “Does anyone know you’re gay?”

Alec’s head jerked up; he found he was breathing a little hard, as if he’d run a race. But what could he do, deny it? When he’d come here to do exactly the opposite? “Clary,” he said, hoarsely. “Which is . . . Which was an accident. And Izzy, but she’d never say anything.”

“Not your parents. Not Jace?”

Alec thought about Jace knowing, and pushed the thought away, hard and fast. “No. No, and I don’t want them to know, especially Jace.”

“I think you could tell him.” Magnus rubbed Chairman Meow under the chin. “He went to pieces like a jigsaw puzzle when he thought you were going to die. He cares —”

“I’d rather not.” Alec was still breathing quickly. He rubbed at the knees of his jeans with his fists. “I’ve never had a date,” he said in a low voice. “Never kissed anyone. Not ever. Izzy said you liked me and I thought —”

“I’m not unsympathetic. But do you like me? Because this being gay business doesn’t mean you can just throw yourself at any guy and it’ll be fine because he’s not a girl. There are still people you like and people you don’t.”

Alec thought of his bedroom back at the Institute, of being in a delirium of pain and poison when Magnus had come in. He had barely recognized him. He was fairly sure he’d been screaming for his parents, for Jace, for Izzy, but his voice would only come out on a whisper. He remembered Magnus’ hands on him, his fingers cool and gentle. He remembered the death-grip he’d kept on Magnus’ wrist, for hours and hours, even after the pain had passed and he knew he would be all right. He remembered watching Magnus’ face in the light of the rising sun, the gold of sunrise sparking gold out of his eyes, and thinking how oddly beautiful he was, with his cat’s gaze and grace.

“Yes,” Alec said. “I like you.”

He met Magnus’ gaze squarely. The warlock was looking at him with a sort of admixture of curiosity and affection and puzzlement. “It’s so odd,” Magnus said. “Genetics. Your eyes, that color —” He stopped and shook his head.

“The Lightwoods you knew didn’t have blue eyes?”

“Green-eyed monsters,” said Magnus, and grinned. He deposited Chairman Meow on the ground, and the cat moved over to Alec, and rubbed against his leg. “The Chairman likes you.”

“Is that good?”

“I never date anyone my cat doesn’t like,” Magnus said easily, and stood up. “So let’s say Friday night?”

A great wave of relief came over Alec. “Really? You want to go out with me?”

Magnus shook his head. “You have to stop playing hard to get, Alexander. It makes things difficult.” He grinned. He had a grin like Jace’s — not that they looked anything alike, but the sort of grin that lit up his whole face. “Come on, I’ll walk you out.”

Alec drifted after Magnus toward the front door, feeling as if a weight had been taken off his shoulders, one he hadn’t even known he was carrying. Of course he’d have to come up with an excuse for where he was going Friday night, something Jace wouldn’t want to participate in, something he’d need to do alone. Or he could pretend to be sick and sneak out. He was so lost in thought he almost banged into the front door, which Magnus was leaning against, looking at him through eyes narrowed to crescents.

“What is it?” Alec said.

“Never kissed anyone?” Magnus said. “No one at all?”

“No,” said Alec, hoping this didn’t disqualify him from being datable. “Not a real kiss —”

“Come here.” Magnus took him by the elbows and pulled him close. For a moment Alec was entirely disoriented by the feeling of being so close to someone else, to the kind of person he’d wanted to be close to for so long. Magnus was long and lean but not skinny; his body was hard, his arms lightly muscled but strong; he was an inch or so taller than Alec, which hardly ever happened, and they fit together perfectly. Magnus’ finger was under his chin, tilting his face up, and then they were kissing. Alec heard a small hitching gasp come from his own throat and then their mouths were pressed together with a sort of controlled urgency. Magnus, Alec thought dazedly, really knew what he was doing. His lips were soft, and he parted Alec’s expertly, exploring his mouth: a symphony of lips, teeth, tongue, every movement waking up a nerve ending Alec had never known he had.

He found Magnus’ waist with his fingers, touching the strip of bare skin he’d been trying to avoid looking at before, and slid his hands up under Magnus’ shirt. Magnus jerked with surprise, then relaxed, his hands running down Alec’s arms, over his chest, his waist, finding the belt loops on Alec’s jeans and using them to pull him closer. His mouth left Alec’s and Alec felt the hot pressure of his lips on his throat, where the skin was so sensitive that it seemed directly connected to the bones in his legs, which were about to give out. Just before he slid to the floor, Magnus let him go. His eyes were shining and so was his mouth.

“Now you’ve been kissed,” he said, reached behind him, and yanked the door open. “See you Friday?”

Alec cleared his throat. He felt dizzy, but he also felt alive — blood rushing through his veins like traffic at top speed, everything seemingly almost too brightly colored. As he stepped through the door, he turned and looked at Magnus, who was watching him bemusedly. He reached forward and took hold of the front of Magnus’ t-shirt and dragged the warlock toward him. Magnus stumbled against him, and Alec kissed him, hard and fast and messy and unpracticed, but with everything he had. He pulled Magnus against him, his own hand between them, and felt Magnus’ heart stutter in his chest.

He broke off the kiss, and drew back.

“Friday,” he said, and let Magnus go. He backed away, down the landing, Magnus looking after him. The warlock crossed his arms over his shirt — wrinkled where Alec had grabbed it — and shook his head, grinning.

“Lightwoods,” Magnus said. “They always have to have the last word.”

He shut the door behind him, and Alec ran down the steps, taking them two at a time, his blood still singing in his ears like music."

~ Soul ~

Samstag, 7. Mai 2011

Vampire Diaries - Midnight

Ich habe den Band endlich durchgelesen.... und habe GEHEULT! Wie ein SCHLOSSHUND, echt.... war schlimm... Damon stirbt... gänzlich Q__Q, aber seine letzten Seiten, sie waren so mitreißend und und und... unbeschreiblich einfach.... und das er am Ende "wieder zu sich kommt" ist auch nicht gerade aufmunternd.. da er KEINE Erinnerungen hat *sfz* dabei hat sich Elena ENDLICH eingestanden das sie Damon liebt....

Was mich aber noch um einiges mehr aufgeregt hat ist, dass es nun endgültig bestätigt wurde das Lisa J. Smith keine Rechte mehr auf ihre Bücher hat, folglich wird ein Ghost Writter weiter schreiben. Sie darf nichts mehr sagen, ihre Scripte werden verwendet, doch sie darf sich nicht einmischen in das was geändert wird. Es gab zwar eine Email-Aktion in dem Fans weltweit dem Verlag Emails geschrieben haben (mich und Freunde eingeschlossen) doch es hat sich wohl nichts gebracht... was wirklich schade ist.

Ich für meinen Teil werde die weiteren Bücher nicht mehr kaufen, für mich ist diese Buch-Serie mit "Schwarze Mitternacht" beendet und trotz der vielen Tränen bin ich irgendwie auch etwas happy, da es irgendwie sogar ein kleines Happy-End hatte (mit sehr viel Fanatsie) und wir mal den "richtigen" Damon kennengelernt haben, den kleinen süßen Damon, den er an einen Fels gekettet hatte mit all seiner Menschlichkeit und Gefühlen, der nun endlich frei sein konnte, auch wenn es nur von kurzer dauer war.

Der Verlag wird noch sein blaues Wunder erleben, wenn sich diese wirklich grandiosen Bücher nicht mehr verkaufen.

Hier könnt ihr außerdem den Brief sehen den Lisa einem Fan geschrieben hat, weshalb sie nicht mehr weiter schreiben darf (er ist zwar auf englisch aber eigentlich recht einfach zu verstehen) :

"Hi Emily—

Thank you for your beautiful email. I completely understand why some fans get overeager—and especially if they think there is bad news for them. I hope that you will enjoy Midnight, as it is truly the story of Damon finding his deepest feelings for both Elena and Bonnie—and his feelings are definitely not platonic. In fact, to be blunt, without Bonnie and something that Bonnie does at the end, Damon would be permanently dead.

But right now I have to tell you something that makes me so sad and devastated—as bad, in fact, as I have ever felt except for when my mother died. It’s confidential, but it’s been so long now that I just can’t keep up a charade with good-hearted readers like you.

To put it briefly, I’ve been fired from writing the Vampire Diaries. And I’ve been fighting and fighting this since last fall, but there is absolutely no recourse. Midnight is the last L. J. Smith book in the Vampire Diaries series.

It probably sounds completely impossible to say that I am fired from writing my own books. But the truth is that they’re not mine, even though I write every word. When I was called by an agent and asked to write the vampire trilogy, that agent wasn’t from a publisher, but from what is now Alloy Entertainment, Ltd. And they are a book packager. A book packager sells books, already made with covers and all, to publishers, like HarperCollins—my publisher for The Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle. And both these series were written “for hire” which means that the book packager owns the books the author produces. Although I didn’t even understand what “for hire” meant back in 1990, when I agreed to write books for them, I found out eventually, to my horror and dismay. It means that even though I have written the entire series, I don’t own anything about The Vampire Diaries. And from now on, the books will be written by an anonymous ghostwriter, just as Stefan’s Diaries are. It will say “Created by L. J. Smith” on the cover, but I am not allowed even to change a word in the ghostwriter’s book.

You might wonder why the book packager and Harper would do this to me. I am not sure either, but usually a book packager gets very submissive, non-assertive writers to write for them—not to mention that most of them, writers or ghostwriters, have had a lot of publishers turn their books down. Book packagers are used to do a lot of editing on their author’s books—because the books need intense editing.

But I’m not submissive, and I always fight editing. In Midnight, I had to fight to keep many Bonnie scenes in the book. I’m not at all sure they liked the things I was doing with Bonnie and Damon—they kept trying to cut such scenes. And of course they didn’t like Elena’s behavior at all. They want strictly Stelena books.

So last fall when I gave them the book Phantom, they didn’t bother to give me edits. Instead, I was given a letter addressed to the ghostwriter by name, telling her to completely rewrite my book. They wouldn’t even listen when I pleaded and promised to do Phantom as they required. The simply took the series and gave it to the ghostwriter . . . to write not only The Hunters trilogy, but whatever comes after that.

They have always tried to minimize my participation in The Vampire Diaries. On the very first original books in 1990 my name was almost invisible on the cover. And now they have my manuscript of Phantom, and the book the ghostwriter writes from it may even sound like I wrote it in places, because they have the right to use my work as they see fit. But the book after that … that will be pure ghostwriter. I would guess that they think you readers won’t see or care about the difference in writing styles and skills.

I have said this to another Bamon fan, and I’ll say it now. I had so many plans for Bonnie in The Hunters trilogy.
First of all, in Phantom, I had her showing a lot more emotion, grieving right along side Elena because—well, because Damon does something almost unbelievable for Bonnie in Midnight and he doesn’t get out unscathed.
I won’t spoil it if you don’t know. But they wanted Bonnie to have just put it all behind her—and with Bonnie’s character, I don’t think so! She is always completely openhearted with her emotions; even though she has matured so much in Midnight, she’s still Bonnie, who says exactly what she thinks, even if she hasn’t had a dose of Black Magic wine.

I wanted to write Moonsong, and give Bonnie an admirer who is just as sweet and even more naïve than she is—a pure white wolf with radiant blue eyes, who happens to be a werewolf with moonlight colored hair and the same blue eyes when he’s human. I wanted to show Damon’s surprising reaction to Xander the good werewolf (not at all happy about it—so much that he “accidentally” almost kills the poor innocent wolf) .

I also wanted to show how Damon rescues Bonnie from a vicious wolf-pack attack, and then let her fly away with him. And I wanted to show how Bonnie, who knows a little medicine from her sister Mary, helps Damon deliver Caroline’s twin babies when she goes into labor deep in the woods. But that’s one scene that I would have had to fight tooth and nail for, because even the glow that Damon and Bonnie share at seeing new life come into the world wouldn’t be enough for them to call it decent. They would undoubtedly have tried to make me cut it. But I still want to write it, so badly.

I even had the last book in that trilogy plotted out, where Stefan’s worst nightmare comes true and he takes so much blood from Elena that has to be taken to the hospital for a massive transfusion. He then decides to Influence Elena so hat she will forget his existence, and he does so, to Damon and Bonnie and Meredith’s consternation. I wanted to show how this affected each one of the characters, and how Bonnie once again begins to write in her diary, since Elena’s diary is also forgotten, along with Stefan. I like to write things from Bonnie’s point of view, as I did in Dark Reunion. But none of these things will happen, beause I won’t be around to write it. And I just can’t keep up the pretense any long with wonderful fans like you. I can’t pretend that Bonnie and Damon’s relationship will continue to grow as Damon learns to respect her as well as to love her. She has become “his girl” but I can’t follow up on that. I had to tell the ghostwriter that he would address Bonnie as “little redbird” when he speaks to her.

Sorry for the long rant, but the charade is over for me. I don’t know how Phantom will turn out, with a blend of my manuscript and the complete rewriting of it by the ghostwriter. But I dread it, and even more do I dread what the next books will be like. I’ve worked so hard to make Vampire Diaries a good series, only to have the unthinkable happen to me. And I have no one but myself to blame for not being submissive enough.

L. J. Smith”


Und dieses Lied, das zufällig in meiner Itunes Wiedergabeliste genau in diesem Moment abgespielt wurde wo Damon am sterben war und auch wo ich diesen Brief gelesen habe, schien mir auch recht passend von der Stimmung: 

~ Soul ~