Montag, 30. Mai 2011

Clockwork Prince

Und erneute Spoiler von meiner Lieblings Autorin Cassandra Clare. Diesmal aus der "Infernal Devices" Serie. Der erste Band hieß "Clockwork Angel" (echt genial<3) und nun sind wir schon beim 2 Band "Clockwork Prince". Sie hat die Kapitel Übersicht von dem Buch gepostet und... OMG, ich.will.dieses.buch!! JETZT!  ja es geht mir gut *lach* So und weil ich schon die ganze Zeit Spoiler hier sind sie:

Prologue: The Outcast Dead
Will visits the Cross Bones Graveyard in London.

Chapter One: The Council Chamber
Pretty literal — the Council meets to discuss whether Charlotte is fit to run the Institute; we see a bit more of the Lightwoods, not to mention the Waylands and some other familiar families.

Chapter Two: Reparations
“Mr. Bane has been awaiting your arrival, sir,” said the footman, and stepped aside to let Will enter.

Chapter Three: Unjustifiable Death
The term, under the Accords, for a Shadowhunter killing a Downworlder without provocation.
“This was the first time she had been alone with Will in weeks.”

Chapter Four: A Journey
Tessa, Will and Jem leave the Institute and in fact, London entirely.
“Gabriel Lightwood strode across the room to meet them. He really was quite tall, Tessa thought, craning her neck to look up at him. As a tall girl herself, she didn’t often find herself bending her head back to look up at men.”

Chapter Five: Shades of the Past
This one is a pun that will probably only make sense upon actual reading. Althpugh one of the themes of the book is how the past affects the present.

Chapter Six: In Silence Sealed
Again the theme is hidden secrets. The title comes from a Charlotte Bronte poem. “In secret kept, in silence sealed.” Tessa begins to uncover the secrets of her own origins.

Chapter Seven: I had to redact the title of this chapter. It’s a spoiler.
“When Will truly wants something,” said Jem, quietly, “when he feels something — he can break your heart.”

Chapter Eight: The Purposes of Wrath
The title here comes from Thomas de Quncey’s (yes de Quincey!) Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. The paragraph is about addiction, and both the pleasures and the pains of opium, and the chapter is not dissimilar. Also, we meet Ragnor Fell.

Chapter Nine: Fierce Midnight
This chapter ends the night begun in the previous chapter. And has some pretty hot kissing. Titled after a Swinburne poem.

Chapter Ten: The Virtue of Angels
The virtue of angels is that they cannot deteriorate; their flaw is that they cannot improve. Man’s flaw is that he can deteriorate; and his virtue is that he can improve. —The Talmud
Someone rather unexpected hits Gabriel — who, really, was asking for it.

Chapter Eleven: Wild Unrest

This chapter title comes from the poem “City of Dreadful Night” by James Thompson. It’s really about taking on the suffering of someone you love. Will wanders about London at night. “He had reached Fleet Street. Temple Bar was visible through the mist in the distance” — Temple Bar is the structure Jem is standing in front of, on the cover of the book.

Chapter Twelve: The Ball
This is somewhat self-explanatory. There is a masquerade ball. And a balcony. And Magnus.

Chapter Thirteen: The Mortal Sword
We finally see the Mortal Sword put to its actual use: extracting the truth from reluctant Shadowhunters. And it is not pretty.

Chapter Fourteen: The Silent City
“Ah,” said a voice from the doorway, “having your annual ‘everyone thinks Will is a lunatic’ meeting, are you?”
 “Ah,” said a voice from the doorway, “having your annual ‘everyone thinks Will is a lunatic’ meeting, are you?”

Chapter Fifteen: Thousands More

From a poem by Charlotte Mew: There are thousands more; you do not miss a rose.
“Will has always been the brighter burning star, the one to catch attention — but Jem is a steady flame, unwavering and honest. He could make you happy.”

Chapter Sixteen: Mortal Rage
In which there are automatons and vengeance and explosions. The title comes from Shakespeare: “And brass eternal slave to mortal rage.”

Chapter Seventeen: In Dreams
There is the famous “in dreams begin responsibilities” but this title is actually from a poem by Matthew Arnold. The chapter from which this deleted scene was taken.

Chapter Eighteen: Until I Die
This chapter title has really freaked people out. So I will be nice and say that it is from a poem by Christopher Brennan (no relation to Sarah Rees):
Then seek not, sweet, the “If” and “Why”
I love you now until I die.

Chapter Nineteen: If Treason Doth Prosper
Betrayals and misunderstandings come thick and fast. And Magnus may have a new boyfriend. The title is from a poem attributed to Sir John Harrington:
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”

Chapter Twenty: The Last Dream
This is the chapter that made me cry! I rarely cry so I felt good about that. The chapter title comes from A Tale of Two Cities.

Chapter Twenty-One: Coals of Fire
I guess if you’re paying a lot of attention you’ll recognize this as part of something Jace quotes in City of Fallen Angels. Endings, beginnings, new characters, and, I promise, not too bad of a cliffhanger.

Einer meiner Lieblings Kapitel waren ja :
"“Will has always been the brighter burning star, the one to catch attention — but Jem is a steady flame, unwavering and honest. He could make you happy.”"
Ich Liebe beide Charaktere so sehr. Will ist dieser typische Rebell und "Bad-Boy" und Jem... Jem ist einfach Jem und einfach....*sfz* Jem eben *lach* ich könnt mich an Tessas Stelle auch nicht wirklich entscheiden.

Und das zweite war ja dies hier:
"This is the chapter that made me cry! I rarely cry so I felt good about that. The chapter title comes from A Tale of Two Cities."
Omg, was erwatet uns da bitte? Ich will es gar nicht wissen, ich bin so nah am Wassergebaut, da werd' ich sicher auch heulen, wenn die Autorin schon weint... Wer wohl sterben wird?

~ Soul ~ 

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